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Trip Report    

Alpine Scramble - Foss Peak/Unicorn Creek

Ascended Foss Peak via Unicorn Creek in continuous fog and intermittent rain and snow.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The road is open to cars to the Unicorn Creek trailhead.

    Snow conditions were fine: some loose, wet snow over a more consolidated layer but solid footing almost all the time.

With foul weather expected we changed the trip from a loop over the shoulder of The Castle to an out-and-back via Unicorn Creek.  There were no views and  visibility of the route was limited.  Gaia certainly does improve one's confidence navigating in such conditions.  Rain, and later snow, was sporatic; never hard but cumulatively enough to get us wet.  We pretty much ran the ridge crest over the  6160' closed contour south of Foss to Foss proper.  The going was a little tedious, with many clumps of tight trees, wave-like ribs on the crest and cornice concerns.   I might drop off the ridge some to the west, and possibly approach the summit from the north, if I had it do over again.  The glissades through the gap of Unicorn Creek lived up to expectations.