Trip Report
Alpine Scramble - Burnt Park Loop
Snow probe conditioner
- Sat, Nov 7, 2020
- Alpine Scramble - Burnt Park Loop
- Huckleberry Creek
- Scrambling
- Turned Around
- Road suitable for all vehicles
We left the trail 100 yards after crossing the ice-glazed log bridge over Lost Creek; some of us used our microspikes. The first 1000' of gain from there has substantial blowdown and woody debris, which was also often icy and slick. Traversing at 5500' we encountered 8" or more of powder snow over slide alder and boulders, requiring ice axes and great caution. After gaining the ridge at point 5836, we continued a bit beyond the next saddle. There was light snow and little visibility. Facing the likelihood of a headlamp return and little reward of views, we elected to retrace our steps to finish and drive out in daylight. We dropped below the boulder field and traversed back at ~5460', which was a much easier and safer route in these conditions.
On the descent, we tried to find a less obstructed route down to the trail by cutting NW at 4000', but again encountered extensive blowdown below 3500', not saving any time. We all used microspikes on the Lost Creek bridge on the return.
I would rate this loop as S4T3 in these conditions.