Winter Scramble - Upper Lena Lake


Winter Scramble - Upper Lena Lake

Redirected to Upper Lena Lake. Originally to Point 5803 SW of ‘The Brothers’, but ridge starting at 2100’ near Lena Creek was too cliffy and brushy to afford reasonable progress. Orignial summary: Notes before requesting permission! Commanding views of the Eastern Olympics and the Salish Sea from the SW shoulder of ‘The Brothers’ (Point 5803). A very strenuous trip of ~5,400’ elevation gain and a total of 10 miles.

  • Sat, Nov 10, 2018
  • Seattle Alpine Scrambling Subcommittee - Winter Scrambling
  • Scrambling
  • Adults
  • Easy/Moderate
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 15.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 5,000 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 4,549 ft

Various P&Rs (and/or ferries) to accommodate attendees, then 7:30am at the Lena Lake Trailhead.  The 6:10am sailing of the Edmonds Kingston ferry is the one to use.

Redirected to Upper Lena Lake. Originally to Point 5803 SW of ‘The Brothers’, but ridge starting at 2100’ near Lena Creek was too cliffy and brushy to afford reasonable progress. Orignial Leader’s Notes: This is NOT the basic alpine route, but instead a scramble (a winter scramble due to the possibility of winter conditions, but NOT a climb) to a summit on the SW aspect of The Brothers.  As such I am limiting this trip to very experienced scramblers that have been out with me before.  Commanding views of the Eastern Olympics and the Salish Sea from the SW shoulder of ‘The Brothers’ (Point 5803).  After hiking the Lena Lake trail for 3 miles we will cross the bridge over Lena Creek, then parallel Lena Creek for ~0.5 mile before ascending the forested ridge in a direct line to Point 5803.  The low stream flows associated with this time of year make this an opportune time to use this route.  Beta photos can be seen here.


Lena Lake

  • Green Trails The Brothers No. 168

    Green Trails Olympic Mountains East No. 168S

    Custom Correct Mount Skokomish - Lake Cushman

    Custom Correct Brothers - Mt Anderson
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Check with leader for any additional group gear or required equipment specific to trip location

Trip Reports