Placeholder Routes & Places


Winter Scramble - Mount Herman

Scramble intended for Everett Snow Field Trip instructors. We will attempt to summit Mount Herman and may attempt Mazama Dome as well.

  • *Varies*
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,100 ft

Likely 9AM at the lodge parking lot. Details to be provided later.

This trip is primarily for instructors of the Everett Alpine Scramble Snow Field trip. It will open to all scramble graduates on April 19.

Everett Instructors - please contact leader if interested.

We will attempt to scramble up Mount Herman if conditions allow. This will be a relaxed trip. Alternate destinations are Mazama Dome and Table Mountain.  We will also have a chance to practice Ice Axe arrest to prepare for the field trip.

Note: no food is served at the lodge on Friday night, but you can bring something to heat up via microwave if you'd like.

Details to be provided later. Expect to need snowshoes and crampons for this adventure.


Mount Herman

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Check with leader for any additional group gear or required equipment specific to trip location

Trip Reports