Stewardship - Windy Knob


Stewardship - Windy Knob

Ski trail maintainance to improve winter ski routes. The area is still recovering from the 2012 Table Mountain fire. Work in conjunction with USFS and the Blewett Pass / Tronsen Ski Trails Team volunteer group.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,000 ft

Since the Table Mtn fire in 2012 -- fire damaged trees have weakened and fallen -- blocking many of the ski trails in the Blewett Pass / Tronsen Basin area.    Trail work may include removing logs cut by certified chainsaw operators,   branch trimming using hand saws or loppers,  repairing bridges, re-installing "Blue Diamond" trailmarkers and other tasks as needed.

Map of the ski trails in the Blewett Pass area -- we will be working in the Tronsen Basin Non-Motorized area.

 10:00 AM  in the Blewett Pass area -- with carpooling from the Issaquah area around 8:00AM
I have a 4WD van that will comfortably seat 6. 


participants will earn:

leaders will earn:


Haney Meadow Loop, Diamond Head & Windy Knob

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

Cut resistant gloves.
Safety glasses 
Helmet bike , ski or climbing helmet OK  if you don't have a trail work helmet.

I have a some pruning saws and loppers to lend out.     

Let me know what sort of trail work tools you can bring and I will coordinate to ensure we have the tools needed to keep everyone busy.

*** No Power Saws ** -- unless you are a USFS Certified Sawyer -- then great!

Trip Reports