Stewardship - Shadow Lake Nature Preserve
Explore the Nature Preserve, spot wildlife, and record your sightings at SHADOW’s second Bioblitz! A bioblitz is a competition to count all the plants and animals seen in one day. We will be recording observations via Smartphone or Tablet in a program called iNaturalist. Check out the iNaturalist app here. Bring a device with the app downloaded with you or use one of ours. This family-friendly event will include opportunities for walking while recording sightings- hiking shoes and weather-proof clothing are recommended. We are hosting this bioblitz as part of a larger initiative, The City Nature Challenge. Help King County and the Seattle Metro Area WIN for the most observations! Come join SHADOW to collect information about the flora and fauna present on SHADOW’s grounds! This is a national competition to see what area can find the most species of plants and animals. No experience necessary! This event also helps SHADOW’s Wildlife Monitoring Volunteer Program and will replace our normally scheduled Restoration Work Party.
- Sat, Apr 27, 2019
- Stewardship Partners Committee
- Stewardship
- Adults
- For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
- Mileage: 2.0 mi
- 13 (14 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
This event will take place on Saturday 4/27/19 from 10 am to 2 pm at SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve. No previous experience required, simply arrive with weather-proof clothing for working outside, a water bottle, and a smile. Please be aware that you may encounter muddy areas and plants with thorns. These events are held, rain or shine!
This work part will take place on Saturday 4/27/19 from 10 am to 2 pm at SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve (21656 184th Ave SE, Renton WA 98058).