Sea Kayak - Strait of Juan de Fuca
Single day roundtrip from downtown Port Angeles across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Race Rocks (Canada) and back. The targeted day is the Monday directly after the planned (but unpublished) Seattle branch led Hobucks weekend. It is also when the ebbs and floods in the Strait are forecasted to be less than 2.25 in either direction during the times we plan to be on the water.
- Mon, Jun 3, 2024
- Seattle Sea Kayaking
- Sea Kayaking
- Adults
- Sea Kayak V
- Challenging
- Mileage: 24.0 nm
- Maximum Wind: 20 kts
- Maximum Waves: 6 ft
- Maximum Currents: 4 kts
- Pace: 3.5kt
- 3 (3 capacity)
- 2 (2 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
7am - meet at Hollywood Beach just E of the Port Angeles ferry terminals:
Return late: roundtrip may take 10 hours - including breaks and downtime on far side?
This is a significant open crossing. Strong paddling skills needed.
Before requesting permission to register, please fully read all content and links in the Route. (i.e. click the 'Route' tab and then click "See full route/place details."
We will have a detailed planning session a day or more beforehand to discuss ferry angles relevant to the currents, wind, swell. Plan on calculating your own - and bringing your calculations to that pre-departure session, so that we aggregate the best plan. (Links to some of the currents to be considered are also in the Route detail area.) We will update the plan on the beach based on the final real-time buoy data and morning forecast.
We will cancel if the wind, swell or other conditions are too severe.
Rough time across in one direction is 4+ hours (~12nm), depending upon group speed, wind etc.
We will support each other to do on the water bio-breaks, as needed.
We will NOT plan on landing at Race Rocks, which is an ecological preserve, and which would also require us to check in with customs - but we will take a significant lunch and bio break there mid-day for an hour of rest or so, while resting in Race Rocks coves.
Extra care will be needed to avoid tanker traffic. During our planning session, we will discuss and mitigate related risks.
Consider staying at the Red Lion Hotel (Port Angeles Harbor) across the street from our launch spot, on the Sunday eve before, to assure a good rest and ease of departure.
Required Equipment
Plan on bringing most (if not all) of these from my Readiness Checklist:
PLUS A PASSPORT - as backup in case we need to land on Canadian side.
Below is the standard list...
These eight essentials plus The Ten Essentials are required on all sea kayaking trips. All but the whistle and clothing should be provided with any kayak rental.
- Floatation in both ends of the kayak
- U.S. Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
- Paddle
- Spray skirt
- Bilge pump with floatation
- Self-rescue paddle float
- Waterproof whistle
- Appropriate clothing for the conditions encountered seasonally