Tiger Mountain Lowlands


Frontcountry Trail Run - Tiger Mountain Lowlands

Tuesday morning wake-up run.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 4.6
  • Elevation Gain: 1,050 ft
  • Pace: 12 - 20 minutes per mile

Run or power hike the ups, steady pace run the flats and downs.

This will be a group paced run and no one gets left behind.

Sunrise is at 7:03am. Headlamp or running light with good batteries required.

Route will include going up Nook Trail.

Time: 6:00am
Place: High Point Trailhead
Link to parking https://maps.app.goo.gl/AGPEMsEBHLoWvB

 Discover pass required.

There is a vault toilet at this trailhead.


Tiger Mountain Lowlands

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports