Squak Mountain: May Valley Access


Frontcountry Trail Run - Squak Mountain: May Valley Access

Early Morning Trail Run.

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 5.2 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 1,770 ft
  • Pace: 12 - 24 minutes per miles

Time: 6:30am
Place: May Valley Loop Trailhead.
Link to parking here: https://goo.gl/maps/wzVbQ35jq9UtXnTq6

Discover Pass required to park here.

There is a portalet at this trailhead.

Run or power hike the ups, steady pace run the flats and downs.

This will be a group paced run and no one gets left behind, but please note that this run's difficulty is posted moderate/strenuous. This is not a beginner level run.

Service Rd up to Central Peak, Westerly on an unnamed ridge trail to Bullitt Fireplace Trail to Bullitt Gorge Trail. South down BGT to May Valley Loop Trail and then MVLT down to the trailhead and our cars.


Squak Mountain: May Valley Access

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports