Navaho Pass & Peak


Day Hike - Navaho Pass

Standup Creek to Stafford Creek loop. This trip will traverse valley and ridge and have great views but will not visit Navaho Pass.

  • Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 12.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,000 ft
  • Pace: 1.75-2 mph, slower on the steep parts

0800 at junction of Stafford Creek Road and Standup Creek Road. Directions will be provided.

This loop (almost) hike will start by heading up the Standup Creek valley, first on the rough road then on trail. We will ascend to the ridge between Standup and Stafford Creeks, then descend down towards the meadows below Navaho Pass in the Stafford Creek valley. We will descend the Stafford Creek trail and then return via the Stafford Creek road to our starting point. 

Expect fewer hikers on the Standup Creek trail and lots of hikers on the Stafford Creek trail. 

This trip will not visit Navaho Pass. 

My goals for this trip are as follows:

1. Be safe.

2. Complete the loop, even if it involves a bit of Type 2 fun (which hopefully it will not)

3. Have fun.

My expectations for trip participants are as follows:

1. Practice Leave No Trace Principles.

2. Be open to some adventure. There may be creek crossings, brush and snow patches. 

3. Be respectful of all participants.

The trip leader has done many hikes in this area but this particular route is new.  Expect to see slower travel on steep parts, faster travel on the easier parts.  There will be ~5 min breaks every hour of hiking.  There will be some road walking at the start and end of this loop on the Standup and Stafford Creek roads. 


Navaho Pass & Peak

  • Green Trails Alpine Lakes East (Stuart Range) No. 208SX

    Green Trails Mt Stuart No. 209

    USGS Red Top Mtn

    USGS Enchantment Lakes
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

  • Navigation
  • Headlamp
  • Sun protection
  • First aid
  • Knife
  • Fire
  • Shelter
  • Extra food
  • Extra water
  • Extra clothes
Trip Reports