Day Hike - Mount Defiance


Day Hike - Mount Defiance

Please read leader's notes.

  • Moderate/Strenuous
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 10.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 3,550 ft
  • Pace: 2mi/hr on flat

Tibbets P&R @ 7:30am.  NW Forest Pass or  equivalent required for parking.

This could likely have been posted as a scramble because i don't really know the snow situation up there.  I decided to post it as a hike because I know lots of hikers who are comfortable in snow and trails that are rocky and uneven.   Please be comfortable hiking in deeper snow if needed.  You may need to do some traversing and also be on some steeper slopes, but if I feel an ice ax is needed, we will turn around.

We will go to Mason Lake via the old trail and head towards Defiance.  We'll return via the new trail so it will be a lollipop loop.  Expect a longer day with some time spent on the summit.


Ira Spring & Putrid Pete's Peak Trails

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials

  • Navigation
  • Headlamp
  • Sun protection
  • First aid
  • Knife
  • Fire
  • Shelter
  • Extra food
  • Extra water
  • Extra clothes
Trip Reports