Day Hike - Little Si
Foothills Branch Council hike up Little Si. 3 5/8 miles, 1,200 ft. elevation gain, avg 1.75-2.0 mph. **INITIALLY ONLY OPEN TO FOOTHILLS BRANCH COUNCIL. WILL OPEN TO GENERAL CLUB MEMBERSHIP ON MAY 1.***
- Tue, May 7, 2024
- Foothills Hiking Committee
- Day Hiking
- Adults
- Easy/Moderate
- Easy
- Mileage: 3.63 mi
- Elevation Gain: 1,200 ft
- High Point Elevation: 1,490 ft
- Pace: avg 1.75 - 2.0 mph
- 7 (10 capacity)
- FULL (2 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
This is being scheduled as a hike for the Foothills Branch Council. If you are a part of the Council or are an invited guest, you may register without Leader Permission. If you are not with the Foothills Branch Council, please *do not* request Leader Permission. On May 1, I will remove Leader Permission and the hike will become open to general membership.
We will stick together as a group with an avg pace of 2 mph, although slower uphill. We will not be doing the Boulder Garden Loop. Please plan on enjoying the views at the summit for about 15 min before heading back down.
Click here for Gaia route.
Click here for WA Dept of Natural Resources map.
Full details will be emailed shortly after registration closes on May 5. In the interim please contact the leader with any questions: BMPeacock@aol.com.
Meet at 3:30 pm in *main* parking lot by trailhead. Following introductions, description of route and current trail conditions, plan to start hiking at 3:40 pm. There is an outhouse by the trailhead. Discover Pass required.
Required Equipment
- Navigation
- Headlamp
- Sun protection
- First aid
- Knife
- Fire
- Shelter
- Extra food
- Extra water
- Extra clothes