Cross-country Ski - Erling Stordahl
This trip will start from the Crystal Springs Sno-park. Due to uncertainties regarding snow conditions and grooming we will need to assess trails and make decisions on our route as we find them. Ideally we will ski some of the green and blue Erling Stordahl Trails, part of the Iron Horse/P2C trail and segments of the Dog Sled Trails. Moderate short hills will be included and some of the trails along the 8 miles round trip will not have set tracks. This trip is not suitable for complete beginners. The trip details were modified on Feb 27 to reduce the planned distance from 10 to 8 miles and to focus on more flat sections and only moderate short hills. This is to make the trip more comfortable to skiers in their first year of cross country skiing.
- Sat, Mar 9, 2024
- Tacoma Cross-country Skiing Committee
- Cross-country Skiing
- Adults
- G-XC 2 Advanced Beginner Groomed
- Moderate
- Mileage: 9.0 mi
- Elevation Gain: 224 ft
- Pace: 2.5 mph average moving speed
- 5 (7 capacity)
- FULL (2 capacity)
- Cancellation & Refund Policy
We will meet to ski at Crystal Springs Snopark ready to ski out at 9am.
Those wishing to carpool up to the snopark can make arrangement together. I am willing to carpool or caravan from the North Bend Safeway meeting at 8:15am. All vehicles taken to the snopark require a WA State snopark permit with groomed sticker.
Full details of each location will be provided by email at the time registration closes.
The trip details were modified on Feb 27 to reduce the planned distance from 10 to 8 miles and to focus on more flat sections and only moderate short hills. This is to make the trip more comfortable to skiers in their first year of skiing.
This trip will start from the Crystal Springs Sno-park. If snow conditions permit, we will ski round some of the green and blue Erling Stordahl trails. We will then cross to the Iron Horse/P2C Trail and include sections of the road towards Meany Lodge and the Dog Sled Trails to ski some of the easier dog sled trails. Some of our route will not have set tracks and the grooming schedule can be a bit unreliable at this time of year. There will be several short hills to manage as well as flat sections. In all, this trip is planned as an up to 8 miles round trip with 100 ft. gain at an average moving speed of 2.5 mph.
The trails should have been groomed early morning but this cannot be guaranteed. Conditions may be a bit icy early on but will likely soften later and may even be very soft in places.
To join this trip you should be able to balance on skis, kick and glide at a moderate pace, snowplow, brake to a stop, have good stamina, and know how to ski up and down short hill sections including negotiating turns. You should be comfortable skiing on trails that may not have recently been groomed and do not have set tracks.
Due to the touring nature of this trip all who register should be committed, excepting any injury or other unforeseen incident, to the whole trip. This trip is not suitable for complete beginner skiers.
If you are uncertain of your ability and stamina to manage this trip as I have described it please contact me to discuss further.
Classic skis are required with or without metal edges that are not wider than 70mm to fit into set tracks. Also, please don’t forget that for all ski trips unless otherwise stated Mountaineers are expected to bring the 10 Essentials.
A place is available on this trip for a skier considering becoming a leader who wishes to acquire some leadership experience. Please contact me if you are interested.
Full details will be emailed once registration closes on March 6 at 5pm. In the interim please contact me with any questions: Chris Ensor (he/him)
Required Equipment
- The Ten Essentials
- Cross-country skis
- Poles
- Boots