Surveyors Lake


Basic Snowshoe - Surveyors Lake

Travel to Surveyors Lake and ABOVE, with goal to get to Ski Acres Hill

  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 800 ft
  • Pace: Moderate

Tibbetts Park and Ride at 7:45am

We will plan to start our trek at the Silver Fir Lodge, taking the "blue diamond" marked route towards Nordic Pass if possible up to Hyak Lake.  From there, we will continue up to what is termed Grand Junction, then head to terrain  above and between Surveyors and Divide Lakes.  From there, we will navigate through steeper terrain to the north ridge of Ski Acres Hill (elev 4200 per Peakbagger) before heading down the south ridge to intersect terrain just south of Surveyors Lake.  Depending on conditions, we will either retrace our steps from Grand Junction, or play in some new areas.

If all the snow forecast does arrive, we will work to share navigation and trail breaking duties as a group.  As with all winter activities, weather and snow conditions may necessitate a change in destination or even cancel our plans.  


Surveyors Lake

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports