South Early Winter Spire/South Arête


Basic Rock Climb - South Early Winter Spire/South Arête

A one-day Basic Rock climb for students of the Seattle "Following Alpine Rock" course.

  • Sat, Jun 8, 2024
  • Seattle Climbing
  • Climbing
  • Basic Alpine
  • Adults
  • Basic Rock Climb, Strenuous 1, Technical 2
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 6.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,600 ft

It'll be necessary to drive out Friday night, sleep in a car, pitch a tent in a parking lot, or do some other form of expedient camping.   We'll meet early Saturday morning in the Blue Lake Trailhead parking lot.  Exact time TBD via email.

Kelly Ryan will be in charge as the Mentored Leader, with Rob Busack along to co-lead.

This climb is primarily for students of the Seattle 2024 "Following to Alpine Rock" course.  The first-dibs has already been given, and others are now welcome too.

  • If you're a student in our course, you've already got permission to sign up here.
  • If you're a student or grad from some other Basic course, you're welcome to email me for leader-permission.  When you do, please give me a sense of your fitness by mentioning 2 or 3 specific trips you've done in the past year (for example, "Recently did X hiking trail, which has Y amount of elevation gain, in Z amount of hours & minutes up.") And tell me about at least one time you've carried an ice axe & crampons for snow travel.  On this climb, the approach will be on snow, pack-weight will be in the ballpark of 35lbs, and we'll move at a brisk pace gaining 1000' per hour.
  • If you have some experience leading easy trad and you'd like to be a rope lead, by all means send me a leader-permission request too.  In addition to the fitness note above, please also add a brief note that gives me a sense of what your trad-leading experience is so far.  (New-ish trad leaders are definitely welcome, this route is pretty easy, I just like to know.)

South Early Winter Spire/South Arête

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Gear list:

When the date gets closer, we'll see what the status of the snow up there is.  For now though, assume ice axe & crampons are required. (aluminum crampons welcome)

Trip Reports