Mirror Lake & Tinkham Peak


Backpack - Mirror Lake

Family friendly backpack near Snoqualmie pass. A short trek will take us through forests, across delicate streams, and past brightly colored wildflowers. We will camp at Mirror lake. Best for younger kids <8yo. I'll be bringing my 3 year old.

  • Casual
  • Casual
  • Mileage: 3.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 724 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 4,289 ft

Mirror Lake Lower Trailhead Parking Lot - details will be provided a week before trip via email. 

This is an easy going family friendly backpacking trip with priority for Backpacking with Kids course participants.

Northwest Forest Pass or America the Beautiful Pass required for parking. 

GaiaGPS link

Tentative schedule 

First Day

Arrive at lower trailhead at 9:15am, ready to hike by 10am. We will hike 1.5 miles gaining 725ft passing by another lake, through a beautiful forest and lovely streams. We will camp at Mirror Lake. We will be going a leisurely pace. Camping early will mean lots of time to play and explore.

Second Day 

Pack up camp in the mid-morning to afternoon and head back to parking lot - maybe get post backpacking treats together depending on how the group is feeling.

Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns prior to the trip and I'll do my best to help out in any way I can! 


Mirror Lake & Tinkham Peak

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

To be communicated in advance to participants by the field trip leader

Trip Reports