Hannegan Pass


Backpack - Copper Ridge

Enjoy beautiful ridge hiking possibly marmots and pikas and swimming as we hike the Copper Ridge trail from Hannagen Pass to Egg Lake.

  • Strenuous
  • Challenging
  • Mileage: 20.5 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 7,200 ft
  • High Point Elevation: 6,260 ft
  • Pace: 1.5-2 mph

Meet at the Glacier Public Service Center on the Mt. Baker Hwy at 9am on Saturday August 24th. We will caravan to the Hannagen Pass Trailhead. To get to the Service Center take the Mount Baker Hwy East to the town of Glacier. The Glacier Public Service Center will be on your right. I will likely camp the night before. We will aim to be ready to hike by 10:30 at the latest aiming to be to camp by 5pm.

Each car parked at the trailhead will need a forest service or national parks pass.

*Leaders Permission Required*. I will be looking for participants who have had or will have backpacking experience with trips 10+ miles with at least 3500 feet elevation gain and can maintain a 1.5-2 mph pace. I will also be looking for participants who are committed to the trip if accepted as the reservation permit is only for four people. It is important to me to have participants who enjoy hiking in a group and have patience for others on the trip. 

** NOTE ** Sign up will be first-come-first-serve, you're welcome to request permission in advance but you will have to register when registration opens.  There won't be any advance registration.

Saturday: We will plan to hike 8.25 miles with 3920 feet of gain at a steady 1.5 mph pace on Saturday with plenty of breaks and adequate time for lunch to aim to arrive in camp by 5pm. We will hope for good swimming at the lake and enjoy the excellent views. Hopefully end of August will mean the end of bug season and the temperatures won't be extreme. This area has been hit pretty hard by fires but the trail reports still suggest good condition. We should enjoy amazing views and possibly marmots and pikas. 

Sunday: There will be an optional 2mile climb to the high point lookout in the morning (4 miles round trip) starting around 7am. We will return to break camp by about 9:30am and aim to be back to the trailhead by about 2:30pm. We will enjoy the views on the way down and try to stay present both days.

There is a Food Storage Box at Egg Lake so no bear cans should be needed. Reports indicate a lack of water sources between Boundary Camp and Egg Lake. The biting flies and bugs can be an issue but hopefully late August won't be too bad for this.


Hannegan Pass

  • Green Trails Mt Shuksan No. 14

    Green Trails Mt Challenger No. 15

    Green Trails Mount Baker Wilderness Climbing No. 13SX

    Green Trails North Cascades Ross Lake No. 16SX

    Trails Illustrated North Cascades National Park
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

The Ten Essentials plus overnight gear which may include:

  • Tent with footprint/ground tarp
  • Stove and fuel
  • Sleeping bag
  • Sleeping pad
  • Water filter
  • Cooking pot/pan with plate and utensils
  • Toilet paper and shovel or blue bag to deal with waste
  • Egg Lake Campground has a food storage box so Bear Cans are not required.
Trip Reports