Granite Creek Trail


Backcountry Trail Run - Granite Lakes

Trail run to granite lakes

  • Moderate
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 8.4 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,810 ft

Granite Creek TH at 8:30am.  Discover Pass required

Route: This is a rather popular trail to Granite Lakes.  See for more info about the trail and recent trip reports

Pacing:  run/walk the uphill portions, mostly run back downhill on the non-rocky sections.  Overall this averages out to around 15 minute miles round trip.  We'll have plenty of time to take pictures and eat/drink as necessary.

Gear: Make sure to bring layers for the change of elevation, along with all the other essentials.  Poles might be useful, but many people hike this trail without them, so up to you.


Granite Creek Trail

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Trip Reports