Guye Peak, Snoqualmie Mountain & Cave Ridge (PCT)


Alpine Scramble - Guye Peak/East Route

Evening trip on a very exposed, but short, T5 rock scramble. Very fun for experienced rock scramblers.

  • Strenuous 3, Technical 5
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 5.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 2,200 ft

4pm at Kendall Katwalk TH.

Not for new scramblers. You need some experience on other T5 rock before attempting this one. We go up the T5 east route and down the easy north route, and because of this, turning around can be a worse option than continuing forward. Ideally, you're a climber and comfortable with heights and exposure. Having said that, there are no physically hard moves on this route, you just don't want to freeze up. 

On my previous trips, I've done a light run down the trail and finish in 3 hours car to car. I would expect up to 4 hours without the run.

Leader permission required. Give me a sense of your experience on exposed rock scrambles or alpine climbs.


Guye Peak, Snoqualmie Mountain & Cave Ridge (PCT)

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

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