Entiat River Meadows & High Country


Alpine Scramble - Entiat River Meadows & High Country

3 day 2 night dog friendly scramble high in the Entiats. We’re staying flexible on route but plan to go in via Larch Lakes and then hit the ridge scrambles like fifth of July, Rampart, Devils Smoke Stack and Garland on day 2. Head home day 3.

  • Very Strenuous, Strenuous
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 30.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 8,900 ft


Earlier plans pivoted away from climbing in Olympics but trip into Entiat sounds like nice dry Memorial Day weekend plan.  Tentative plans are to make base camp out of Larch Lakes and then scramble the 7000’ ridge peaks like Garland, Fifth July, Devils Smokestack and other “bumps”.

Bring sense of flexibility as we’re probably first ones in that area this year?  Bring sense of adventure and let’s have a safe fun trip!


Entiat River Meadows & High Country

Required Equipment

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