Chikamin Peak


Alpine Scramble - Chikamin Peak

This will be a 2-day scramble, approaching from Mineral Creek TH, and camping at Glacier Lake. We will cover about 17 miles and 5600’ gain via an out and back route.

  • Strenuous 5, Technical 4
  • Moderate
  • Mileage: 17.0 mi
  • Elevation Gain: 5,600 ft

by email

Chikamin Peak is in the heart of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, and is surrounded by some of the most beautiful lakes and rugged peaks anywhere in the Northwest.

This will be a 2-day scramble, approaching from Mineral Creek TH, and camping at Glacier Lake.  We will cover about 17 miles and 5600’ gain via an out and back route.

Recent weather patterns have had low clouds and murk until midday, so we’ll likely get an early start Saturday, summiting on day 1 so that we can enjoy the clearer skies and summit views that occur later in the day. Day 2: hike 7 miles back to TH and drive home.

Please review the Mountaineers trip reports under “See full route/place details + Trip Reports tab” to decide if this is a trip you will enjoy.

Participants should be confident they have the scramble + backpacking fitness necessary to cover the described mileage + elevation gain. Participants should have backpacking experience carrying an overnight pack on rough and sometimes overgrown trails. Some people have described the Mineral Creek trail and route to Glacier Lake as bushwhacking.

Additional information about this area:

Summit Post route description:

WTA info and trip reports on Mineral Creek Trail:


Chikamin Peak

  • USGS Polallie Ridge

    USGS Chikamin Peak

    Green Trails Kachess Lake No. 208

    Green Trails Snoqualmie Pass No. 207
  • See full route/place details.
Required Equipment

Required Equipment

  • The Ten Essentials
  • Helmet
  •  Boots
  • Poles recommended
  • Overnight gear (sleeping bag, sleeping pad, shelter, meals, water treatment, etc)
Trip Reports