Global Adventures Leader Training - The Mountaineers - 2023

Backcountry Skiing, Cross-country Skiing, Scrambling, Sailing, Backpacking, Downhill Skiing & Snowboarding, Day Hiking, Snowshoeing, Outdoor Leadership & Sea Kayaking Course

Global Adventures Leader Training

This training, required for experienced activity leaders who seek to certify as a leader of Mountaineers Global Adventures, consists of a required evening workshop on zoom and a required full-day workshop in person at the Seattle Program Center. The evening workshop will cover all of the specific requirements, processes and forms to propose and run a Global Adventure, and the weekend workshop will give participants practice in essential communication, planning and group leadership 'soft skills' relevant to an extended group adventure.

Global Adventures are multi-day Mountaineers activities within North America and around the world where experienced Mountaineers volunteer leaders arrange trip logistics from start to end and participants pay a member fee to cover all trip expenses.  Leaders of Global Adventures must be certified by a Mountaineers activity committee that oversees the primary activity on the trip, and generally is expected to have considerable experience with multi-day trip planning, logistics and group leadership with the Mountaineers or with another organization.


You must register for both the evening workshop and the full day workshop.  If you aren't able to attend one of these, contact the course leads to discuss a way to make up the material.  The evening workshop will cover all of the specific requirements, processes and forms to propose and run a Global Adventure, and the weekend workshop will give participants practice in essential communication, planning and group leadership 'soft skills' relevant to an extended Mountaineers group adventure.

Are you just at the 'information gathering' stage and not sure yet if you want to become a Global Adventures leader, or even what the program is all about?  RSVP for our upcoming information session on October 23 from7 to 8PM on zoom!

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment


Course Materials

You must register for this course to see course materials.