Seattle MAC Multipitch Weekend - Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Youth activity: Mountaineers Adventure Club

Seattle MAC Multipitch Weekend - Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

A day at the Seattle Program Center to learn and review multipitch skills

  • For Beginners (Getting Started Series)
  • 9 (18 capacity)
  • 6 (10 capacity)
  • 2 (2 capacity)
  • Cancellation & Refund Policy

9am at the Seattle Program Center

Youth in Mountaineers Adventure Club must practice multipitch transition skills and lead belaying before doing a multipitch climb, and they must do a multipitch climb before getting on an alpine climb, so they have the experience of cleaning, belay transitions etc… Lots of volunteer help is needed!  



Mountaineers Seattle Program Center

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

A gear list will be provided for every trip.  Much of the required gear is available to borrow from The Mountaineers.  Participants are encouraged to have non-cotton layers (fleece, polypro, wool) and waterproof layers (both pants and jacket) for all activities

Trip Reports