Seattle Branch Upcoming Events
Foothills Basic Course - Rapelling
Denali Expedition Planning Seminar
Lecture 3 of the Denali Expedition Planning Seminar
Partner Program - Seattle Waldorf School
An afternoon of climbing for the middle school students of Seattle Waldorf.
Seattle Explorers & Jr. MAC - General Meeting
Seattle Explorer and Jr. MAC Families meet on the 3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month. Volunteers, Staff, and chaperones present a unique or interesting topic to the students for an experiential learning opportunity.
Whitewater Packrafting Gear Night
Whitewater Packrafting Gear Night
Bike and Brews Series -Bikepacking the Anaxshat Passage with Dominique Blachon and Debra Sankovitz
February's edition features Dominique Blachon and Debra Sankovitz sharing about a Mountaineers multi-day adventure on the Anaxshat Passage route also known as The Oregon Timber Trail’s Hood Tier Loop.
Seattle MAC- Leadership Meeting
The elected MAC student leadership team meets monthly on the last Wednesday at The Mountaineers to discuss overall strategy and direction, plan MAC general meetings, trips, workshops and other activities.
After-School - Explorers - Winter - Seattle - 2025
One of a series of climb nights and skill building for our older After-School program
Basic Glacier Travel - Field Trip 2: Rappelling
Practicing and evaluating safe rappelling
Seattle Self Rescue I - Practice Night
Evening practice for the follower rescue.
WMCR Practice Night
WMCR Practice Night
A full day of instruction and hands-on skills practice for the Aid & Big Wall Course. For students of the Aid & Big Wall Climbing Course. Past students and those in the Mountaineers A&BW community are welcome to come by and hangout or participate!
SEA Youth Clubs Parents Workshop: Top Rope Set-up
Everything you need to know to set up top rope in a single pitch environment
Single Pitch A Kickoff
Single Pitch A Kickoff
Partner Program - Interagency
A session of climbing for Interagency students
After-School - Pathfinders - Winter- Seattle - 2025
One of a series of climb nights and skill building for our younger After-School program
Foothills Basic Course - Belay Escape
Foothills Basic Course - Belay Escape
Basic Glacier Travel - Field Trip 2: Rappelling
Practicing and evaluating safe rappelling
Following Alpine Rock - Meet and Greet
This will be a casual meet-and-greet with students and instructors, along with a discussion or presentation of what to expect from the course. Some instructors will also have their packs and climbing equipment on hand to answer any gear questions. We won't actually practice any climbing skills, casual format. BYOB and dinner.
Seattle Climbing Committee Meeting
Monthly meeting for Seattle Climbing. Odd months are via Zoom, even are in person at the SPC.
Seattle Backpacking Committee
Seattle Backpacking Committee meeting. Meetings during even numbered months are in person. Meetinggs during odd numbered months are via Zoom.
Partner Program - Seattle Waldorf School
An afternoon of climbing for the middle school students of Seattle Waldorf.
WMCR Practice Night
WMCR Practice Night
SEA Explorers & Jr. MAC Skills/Climb Night
Seattle Explorer and Jr. MAC families come together to practice skills and climb
Feel Good On & Off The Trail
Sign-up for this seminar using the link in the information below. Outdoor conditioning experts Courtenay & Doug Schurman outline strategies and techniques based on neuroscience for moving and feeling better.