Intermediate Snowshoe Leader - Mentorship Program - Seattle

Snowshoeing Course

Intermediate Snowshoe Leader - Mentorship Program

This program is built to practice terrain choices in the field for both aspiring and current intermediate snowshoe leaders, hopefully providing experience to travel in challenging to complex avalanche terrain, and using ice axe on snowshoeing trips.

This program is available to all basic snowshoe leaders (or by leader permission) who have an Intermediate Snowshoeing Course badge or equivalent, in addition to the AIARE-1 or Winter Trip Planning course.

This program hopes to provide experience building confidence in the following topics:

  • Group Management and Leadership
  • Trip Planning and Facilitation
  • Technical Skills: knowledge of how to navigate through and manage risk in and around avalanche terrain, advanced snow travel skills requiring the use of an ice axe, and emergency bivouacs.

Badges you will earn:

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Required Equipment
  • Typical Winter Day Pack with essentials
  • Beacon, Shovel, and Probe
  • Ice Axe, plus Helmet
  • Snowshoes and Poles
Course Materials

There are no materials for this course.