Field Trip 2 - Seattle Naturalists Intro Natural World Course

Field trip: Introduction to the Natural World Course

Field Trip 2 - Seattle Naturalists Intro Natural World Course - Juanita Bay Park

We will be looking and listening for both migratory and resident birds in breeding plumage as they seek potential mates and set up territories for nesting. Bring binoculars; field guides are optional. Bring your smartphone or tablet with the Merlin App and use it to practice identifying species.

  • Easy
  • Easy
  • Mileage: 2.0 mi

Expect to spend 2-3 hours wandering the trails, looking for birds and listening to their calls. We will practice looking at key characteristics like shape, size, color patterns, and behaviors. The merlin app may be helpful in identifying species and a bird book either hard copy or as an app will give more information.  

Bring binoculars. Bring your smartphone or tablet with the Merlin App and have the Pacific Bird Pack loaded. 

If you don't have binoculars, email the trip leader to see if they might be able to bring an extra pair.

Don't forget to look down and find some ferns on these field trips.



Meet at 8:00 AM at the parking lot into Juanita Bay Park.

Here is a google Map of  location

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Bring binoculars. Bring your smartphone or tablet with the Merlin App and have the Pacific Bird Pack loaded. 

If you don't have binoculars, email the trip leader to see if they might be able to bring an extra pair.

Trip Reports