Sea Kayak Train the Trainer

Field trip

Sea Kayak Train the Trainer - Kenneydell Park & Black Lake

Sea Kayak Train the Trainer clinic. All new and experienced instructors and assistants should try to attend. This is also a great opportunity for students from the past couple of years to get involved assisting with the class and practicing skills.

  • Sea Kayak II
  • Moderate
  • Maximum Wind: 15 kts
  • Maximum Waves: 1 ft

This clinic is set up for all new and experienced instructors and assistants planning on helping with the basic sea kayaking class. We will cover and practice all of the on-the-water training components that we will be teaching students in the pool, lake and Puget Sound sessions.

  • Boat fitting
  • Entry/exit on the water
  • Posture
  • Bracing
  • Paddle strokes
  • Wet exits
  • Rescues

I expect that we will be done around 2-3pm.

Meet at 9am in the parking lot at Kenneydell Park. We will gear up and head down to the lake from there. 

Bring wheels to get boat/gear to the lake.


Kenneydell Park & Black Lake

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

We will all get wet, so please bring appropriate immersion protection.

Trip Reports