Placeholder Course Templates

Climbing Course

Leading on Rock Course

Lead rock climbing course. Teaches leading on bolts, single pitch trad leading and multi-pitch climb leading.

 We teach you to advance from a basic level climber where you followed the lead climber to where you can competently lead mid 5th class rock climbs. We teach SRENE anchor building, climbing techniques (though this is limited in scope), clipping bolts, selecting trad gear, placing trad gear, block leading and swinging leads to provide you the tools to start lead climbing.   Completing the course requires substantial climbing and skills practice outside of class arranged field trips.  

Prerequisite: Basic Climbing Course graduation or equivalent.

Course priority to graduates Kitsap Basic Climbing Course, and return Kitsap Leading on Rock students.

The Outdoor Leadership course is additionally required for graduation.

Graduation in 2024 requires 1 day participation as an instructor in the Kitsap Basic Climbing Course Activity - Basic Rock 2 (For 2024 it is scheduled for June 8 and 9).

Course Requirements

This course has no scheduled activities.

Additional badges needed to graduate


Required Equipment

10 Essentials for the field trips.

Climbing helmet, harness, climbing shoes.

We will help you plan to build your climbing rack during the course by trying out gear provided by leads.