Dry tooling introduction and practice


Dry tooling introduction and practice - Exit 38/Drytool Crag

Join us to learn and practice dry-tooling techniques in an outdoor top-roped setting. This is also a great way to improve your ice tool finesse and conditioning for ice season.

  • Moderate

The purpose of the clinic is to introduce you to  drytooling techniques and give you the opportunity to practice them. Participants will spend one day of top-roped climbing at the at Wayne's World (Exit 38).

Ropes are provided but personal climbing equipment (harness, helmet, crampons, ice tools, gri-gri, etc.) is not. Purchase, rent, or borrow the required equipment. Additional details about gear will be provided before the clinic's date. This intro clinic is intended for members of The Mountaineers who graduated at least basic climbing course and have at minimum some experince with crampons on steep terrain. 

Meet at Far side trail head, time tbd prior to trip 


participants will earn:

Required Equipment

Required Equipment

Personal climbing equipment (harness, helmet, crampons, ice tools, gri-gri, etc.) . Purchase, rent, or borrow the required equipment. Additional details about gear will be provided before the clinic's date.

Trip Reports