Northern Forest Canoe Trail #6 - Northeast Kingdom: Vermont/Quebec
Lake Memphremagog to Connecticut River

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* The official Northern Forest Canoe Trail maps, produced by the organization that conceived, coordinated and developed it
* NFCT flows through New York, Vermont, Quebec, New Hampshire, and Maine
* Maps include put-in points, portages, campsites, local contact information, and permit guidelines
* Water- and tear-resistent color contour maps offer detailed route descriptions
Vermont/Qu̩bec section of the Trail: (Trail Section 6) Paddlers will make their way across Lake Memphremagog (beginning in Qu̩bec) and follow the Clyde and Nulhegan Rivers to the Connecticut River (60 miles total). This is the Northeast Kingdom, a high, cold corner of Vermont whose granite hills remain sparsely settled. Watch for moose, imagine you're one of the rum runners who once used this crossing from Canada, investigate the remains of the old Clyde River Dam which was dismantled to restore salmon habitat, or simply soak in this native homeland of the Western Abenaki, which is now undergoing revitalization.