Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Yakima Skyline Ridge

I led a hike of Yakima ridge on April 26th. the flowers were actually in peak form for the most part that day. This is a very pleasant hike with a well maintained trail. total elevation for the 8 miles we did was actually closer to 1400', not the posted 1000'.

Access - the driving descriptions, both in Desert Hikes and on this trip listing are accurate. There is a park and ride at the Chevron station at exit 26 off of I-82. it is a good meeting place and consolidation of cars point if you don't have a discover pass (required for the trail head). An important note that is NOT in any description i could find is that the "proceed up a dirt track another 1.5 miles to the official trailhead" should note that:
A - the dirt track requires high clearance vehicles to navigate. our party stopped 2/3 mile after the gate when it became apparent most cars would be damaged if they proceeded further. An F-150 behind us made the drive no problem however. I would recommend most parties park at the gate and just walk the road. This adds 1.5 miles each way and approximately 500' of gain to the trip but saves the bottoms of the cars from damage.
B - there is NO traihead marking at the trailhead. The trailhead is on the right of the dirt track just before it crests the hill (and it is signed for no further travel by vehicles). The trail is obvious but there are no signs to indicate it takes you to Yakima Ridge.