Trip Report
Winter Scramble - West Granite
Lowest wind chill of my 100+ winter scrambles
- Sat, Jan 7, 2017
- Winter Scramble - West Granite
- West Granite
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Wow was it nasty on the summit.
We did a counter clockwise loop of West Granite via the basin south of the summit, then up the east ridge, then summit itself and down west ridge toward Pratt and Olallie Lake. The temp at the trailhead was about 20 and the east wind was mild. The higher we ascended the stronger the wind became. On the summit, and especially on the west ridge, the steady NE wind was at least 30 MPH, and the gusts were so strong it was very difficult to stand up. A couple of times, I thought my trekking poles were going to fly out of my hands.
Fortunately, our counter-clockwise loop meant the east winds were more often at our backs than in our faces. No way could we have summited in the reverse direction.
Once we were back down near Olallie Lake, the winds were light and the hike out the trail was pleasant.