Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - South Bessemer Mountain

5 hours up, 3 hours down, with 1/2 hour at the summit. Snowy road walk. Snowshoes on at 2200'.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snowy road walk from TH to summit.

    We donned snowshoes at 2200', probably would have needed them sooner if not for others going as far as 3150' the previous day. Above 3150' we took turns breaking trail. Snow was dry/soft except for wind-scoured firm spots above 4500'.

    Until more snow accumulates, beware of rock voids on the summit.

Middle Fork Road is compact snow/ice but passable with care. There is room for 3-4 cars at the gated TH, 931' elevation.

There were 11 in the party with a range of scramble and snowshoe experience. We did not take ice axes or traction devices other than snowshoes, based on the road/trail grade and expected snow conditions. 5 hours up, 3 hours down, with 1/2 hour at the summit. Snowshoes on at 2200'.

08:00 left TH
13:00 summit
13:30 left summit
16:30 returned TH

Weather, mostly clear and sunny, but the route is mostly tree-shaded until 4500'. Temperatures in the teens and 20s, many party members used hand and/or toe warmers.