Trip Report
Winter Scramble - Satulick Mountain
A great day in the mountains with almost perfect conditions, made even better by the various bridges being in good shape. (Lead photo By Jesse Bengtsson)
- Sat, Feb 17, 2024
- Winter Scramble - Satulick Mountain
- Satulick Mountain
- Scrambling
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Aside from a few substantial blowdowns the route is in great shape. Used micro-spikes soon after leaving Longmire (icy trails) until reaching Kiya Lakes, snowshoes from there to the summit.
With a timely departure from Longmire we were soon over Rampart Ridge and rock hopping over Kautz Creek (its braided nature in this area obviates the need for a bridge). The first usual ‘bridge of concern’ is the one crossing Pyramid Creek (it was in great shape). Per Nina’s suggestion we opted to cross it one at a time (it had the wobblies, best not to push our luck ;).
(By Nina Crampton)
A bit later at the Fishers Hornpipe Creek bridge…
(By Nina Crampton)
… where we observed no handed pizza eating in the wild:
After pausing near Kiya Lakes to don snowshoes (and sunscreen), we were soon approaching the summit of Satulick.
(By Jesse Bengtsson)
Although Satulick had so-so views (especially with Rainier obscured by clouds), walking a bit to the SE afforded this glimpse of our Kautz Creek crossing, Rampart Ridge, and Wahpenayo Peak (on the left).
(By Nina Crampton)
With full bellies from a leisurely lunch we were soon mushing homeward. Some ‘interesting’ cloud formations at Kautz Creek…
… and the debris islands from numerous lahars makes you wonder about the longevity of the trees at their crests.
(By Leaf Petersen)
After the final push up and over Rampart Ridge we were soon back at the cars. A great day/workout at 14 miles with 3800’ of gain. Our total time was 9 hours, with 5 hours on the ascent, 3.5 hours on the descent, plus a number of substantial breaks. Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.