
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Rattlesnake Mountain Grand Traverse

Plan C offered us an enjoyable through hike in surprisingly good weather and snow conditions.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Recent high winds have generated extensive blowdown at the edge of the clear cut in the central portion of the Rattlesnake Mountain trail.  This has resulted in numerous downed trees over the trial, often troublesome to get through.  Much of this can be avoided by going out to the road through the clear cut. Clearing the damage could take a while.

With an expectation of high volumes of new snow causing concern about avalanche risk at Paradise and the chance of a closed gate at Longmire,  we eventually settled on a Rattlesnake Mountain grand traverse.  We got some pleasant exercise (3,000' of gain in 7 hours of travel) on a sunny, dry day.  But, of course, no peak summit.