
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Mutton Mountain & High Dalles Point

Beautiful day, beautiful views!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles

We departed the Deep Creek TH (2840') around 8:30am.  It was nippy out and the weather forecast was promising us a beautiful, clear day.  Not a trace of snow here.20191226_160532.jpgThe morning sun rays breaking through as we hiked the multiple switchbacks.20191226_090915.jpgThe Norse Peak Fire in 2017 burned some of this area.   Some have put on Microspikes while others continue without them.20191226_105527.jpgAt about 6000' just past the junction to the Noble Knob trail, we get our first views of Mutton Mtn.20191226_112311.jpgBeautiful views all around including Mt Rainier.20191226_111811.jpgWe've been following broken trail so far and they continue on to Mutton.  No snowshoes have been needed so some decide to leave theirs  here.  We need to drop about 200' and then gain the ridge to the summit.  Off we go.20191226_111830.jpgAbout 50' down the broken trail ends.  Those who kept their snowshoes now put them on while the rest trudge on without them.  Luckily it's not too bad for those without snowshoes since there is a consolidated layer below 4-6" of newer snow.  20191226_113126.jpgOn the ridge now.20191226_114413.jpgFinal push to the summit.  The faster group are there around 11:45am20191226_115137.jpgMt Adams in the distance.20191226_115852.jpgMt Stuart peaking out above the clouds.20191226_111843.jpgThanks Tim N., for taking our summit photo.  What a great group!LR-260101.jpgIt's still early so we decide to make an attempt on Noble Knob.  Part of the group with assistant leader, Albert S., leave to start breaking trail to Noble Knob while some decide to stay on the summit a bit longer.   As we leave the summit, the weather is actually getting better.  Another great view of Mutton while on the trail to Noble Knob.20191226_133132.jpgWe're running out of daylight hours so decide to stop at High Dalles Point (6176')  The views are beautiful from here too.   Nobel Knob in sun in the distance.  20191226_135148.jpgAnother obligatory summit photo - on High Dalles Point.  Thanks again, Tim!LR-260110.jpgBluebird skies as we return to the junction.20191226_140950.jpgWe're all back at the TH around 4:30pm and then head to Jackson's Restaurant in Enumclaw for a tasty dinner.  But the service was so slow.  

Another super fun day with a great group of Mountaineers.

C2C - 8 hrs

Est 10mi R/T

Est elevation 3900'

Stops at 2 summits - 1 hr or more