
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Mount Si and Teneriffe Traverse

A great ‘imminent winter storm’ consolation workout at ~5000’ gain over ~13 miles. Originally scheduled for North Slide, this short commute alternate gave us beautiful weather plus an early arrival home (well before the evening storm’s arrival).

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snow free at the Little Si trailhead with micro-spikes donned at ~2000’ for compact snow and ice on the trail.  Brought but did not use snowshoes owing to other parties having broken trail out to Teneriffe (except for a short experiment on descent ;).

With recent storms making driving/parking conditions somewhat challenging we opted to relocate from North Slide to Teneriffe (the incoming storm on Saturday evening helped seal the deal).  With crisp conditions and broken trail we made good time and soon arrived at Teneriffe’s summit:


On our return we paused at 47.51389° N, 121.70722° W (where the logging road crosses the ridge leading to Teneriffe) to consider a side trip to Dixie Peak.  Although we had our fill and opted to head home, given the crowds on Teneriffe a better choice might have been to skip Teneriffe and replace it with doing Dixie Peak from this spot (would have allowed us to use our snowshoes ;).  This Dixie alternative (had we chosen to do it) would have followed the left most ridge crest in this photo before turning north to reach its summit:


An earlier trip that used this alternate (with the same approach) is described here.

A great consolation trip with 5 hours up, 4 hours down, and a total of 5000’ gain over ~13 miles.  Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.