
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Mildred Point

A great snowshoe trailbreaking workout of ~3800’ elevation gain over 10 miles (round trip), plus an opportunity to see road revisions due to recent flooding.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Heavy snow was falling in Longmire as we left the cars, but up higher the snowfall was medium to light throughout the day.  A few places had high winds (the ridge crest south of the 4952’ bump, the ridge narrowing at 5800’), but most of the time surprisingly moderate (the forecast had been for 20mph, gusting to 30mph).  We used snowshoes the entire day and did not use our microspikes.  Due to wind slab we opted to rigorously follow the ridge crests between ~5500’ and the summit.

A great day in spite of generally poor views (we did have a bit of sun here and there on the descent).  We saw no other parties the entire day, and when rejoining the Wonderland Trail at ~3760’ determined that no other parties had done the shorter Rampart Ridge Loop (no boot/snowshoe tracks).  The total trip was 8 hours, with 5 hours for the ascent.  Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.