
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Marmot Pass & Buckhorn Mountain

Gorgeous vistas and sun basking due to an unseasonal inversion (cold low, warm up high) on this 12 mile/5,500’ gain trip.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • No (zero, nada) snow or ice was encountered with gentle breezes.  Very cold at trailhead, lizard warming temps on sun exposed southern aspects of trail (~5000’ elevation), very cold pocket just below Marmot Pass, then comfy the rest of the way.

Gorgeous vistas and sun basking due to an unusual inversion (cold low, warm up high) on this 12 mile/5,500’ gain trip.  Made good time allowing substantial breaks at Marmot Pass and Buckhorn summit.  Total time was ~7 hours, with 4 hours up.  Photos from this (and other) trips near this venue can be seen here.