Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Winter Scramble - Iron Mountain

Fantastic Bluebird Day. Beautiful views of the Wild Sky Wilderness.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Road conditions good to the washout at 6.4 miles up the Index Galena road.  Park there.

Left the trail head about 8:30 AM. Starting elevation around 850 ft. Snowshoe on logging road to approx 3,600 ft. Then began ascending steeper slopes to cross the same road above at about 4,000 ft. (just walked the extra .4 mi. road on way back back which also works) From there ascended to west facing ridge which we then followed to the summit. Reached summit at 2:00. The summit block was snow covered and treeless offering outstanding views of surrounding Wild Sky peaks, Gunn, Merchant, and Spire Mountain. Given time we did not have time to explore the ridge to Conglomerate Point. That would be a much bigger day. Returned to the cars more or less following our tracks. Back at just past 6:00.

Snow conditions were soft which slowed us down to some extent. 

Distance 9.87 mi.

Elevation Gain 4385 ft.