
Trip Report    

Winter Scramble: 5050 Pass-Point 5345 (aka Valhalla Peak)

A great 5000’ workout with good views of Mount Jupiter, Hood Canal, and sparkling Seattle skyscrapers in the distance (Mount Constance obscured by untimely clouds).

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Cold lowland temperatures have retained snow on parts of the Dosewallips River Road.  There is a good track to the mostly snow free parking area/turnaround (albeit with snow between the tire ruts).  Low clearance vehicles might be challenged.  Low temperatures the entire day, with microspikes at ~1200’, and snowshoes at ~2500’.  Wallowing snow depths encountered here and there above ~4400’ (with intermittent tree wells).

A great 5000’ workout with good views of Mount Jupiter, Hood Canal, and sparkling Seattle skyscrapers in the distance (Mount Constance obscured by untimely clouds ;).   The irregular terrain around 5050 Pass provided its usual interesting route finding challenges, especially the weird narrow open corridor near the pass (you’ll know it when you see it ;).  As always, the route along the ridge crest toward Point 5345 requires careful attention to avoid drifting onto the cornice hazard to the north, or the open convex slopes to the south.  We had calm conditions the entire day, with past high winds evident in alternating exposed rock and loose drifts near the summit.  Total time was 8.5 hours with 5 hours up.  Photos from this and other trips to this venue can be seen here.