Trip Report
White Chuck Mountain/Northwest Route
Route in good condition
- Sat, Aug 6, 2016
- White Chuck Mountain/Northwest Route
- Climbing
- Successful
- Road rough but passable
Lots of large brown rabbits on road leading to trailhead.
No snow on route.
Easiest and shortest basic climb I've seen.
Spent some time at end of talus trail looking for continuation of trail and ended up making a small detour. Continue until the sandy trail peters out and turns into large slabs. At this point go up and right and look for trail.
Did not use handline anywhere. Downwards sloping slabs are a bit sandy so care should be taken traversing, especially coming down. Would not recommend in wet conditions. Exposure at notch downclimb is not bad. If handline were necessary here, long slings can be used on summit blocks.
Summit register in good condition.
5 hours car to car with leisurely summit break.
Stopped in Darrington at River Time Brewing.