
Trip Report    

Whatcom Falls/Cheerful Halloween

Only in Bellingham would I find such an artistically carved pumpkin so I could use it as my foreground to Middle Falls one year later. Dedicated to the young ones and the young at heart.

  • Mon, Oct 31, 2022
  • Whatcom Falls
  • Trail Running, Family, Youth, Day Hiking & Photography
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Whatcom Falls is very easily accessible. It is in the heart of Bellingham. This park is beautiful all year long. It can be stunning in the Winter after heavy snowfall. The DOT does great work to keep up the roads even during severe snowstorms. 



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This year I am finally able to use that beautifully carved pumpkin I found last year as I was shooting the different waterfalls in Whatcom Falls. When I found it I immediately knew this was a gift for me to use as foreground to one of the falls. Middle Falls was the perfect spot. I also knew that gifts of this nature are to be shared. That is the reason for this trip report.

Due to the less than ideal weather we have had this year up here in Whatcom County I found myself shooting under canopies as well as subjects that were relatively close. I visited Whatcom Falls frequently as I can walk there. Attached are some of the shots I took this Summer at Whatcom Falls. 
