Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Silver Lake (Monte Cristo)

Hiked up to Silver lake Saturday afternoon after getting lucky with a great parking spot in a very full parking lot. Very busy at the Lake, and an amazing weather window. Great weekend!

  • Sun, Jul 24, 2016
  • Scrambling & Backpacking
  • Successful
  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Very poorly maintained trial up to the lake.

Hiked up to Silver lake Saturday afternoon after getting lucky with a great parking spot in a very full parking lot. Took about 3.5 / 4 hrs car to camp at Silver. A lot of camp spots, but it was a very busy weekend up there. Saturday had mixed clouds with a low ceiling blocking all views. No mosquitos, but a lot of annoying gnats. Woke up Sunday to perfect blue skies. Took in all the scenery! We had a strong group so we did an easy scramble up to the South summit of Silvertip Peak.

  • Car to Camp 3.5 hrs
  • Camp to summit 2 hrs
  • Summit to camp 2 hrs
  • Camp to car 3.5 hrs. 

(We took a lot of photos)