
Trip Report    

Seattle MAC - Backpacking Trip - North Coast Trail

Successful trip! All group members demonstrated commitment, skill, and flexibility.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • The route conformed to its description in key references, particularly Maria Bremner's NCT guidebook, which is highly recommended. It's both very challenging and rewarding. Our trip planning document is available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dRSLCT5sNDkHoldM3JB0IuzPl3grAY-vXk1wBhNxqmU/edit?usp=sharing.

    Please note that the "Road Conditions" status does not represent actual conditions. The Shushartie Bay trailhead is extremely difficult to access by car. If traveling together, reserve water taxi/shuttle bus seats and lodging in Port Hardy several months in advance, as they have limited capacity and offer discounted group rates.