Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Seattle Basic SIG SNOW FT - SIG Snow Overnight (Snow Anchors & Belays, Crevasse Rescue, Snow Camping, & Roped Travel) - Snoqualmie Summit Ski Areas

Summit Central Snoqualmie Mountain

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Snow was soft and mushy...cold temps at night created a semi-hard crust on the surface. Saw some surface hoar on the slopes. Skiing now would be ideal spring conditions, if you're into wet concrete or mashed potatoes. Ice axe arrest was hard given the snow was so soft. To be expected in April!

This is a great place to have a SIG Snow Field Trip...would be better if the snow was more hard-packed but it's close to Seattle, we didn't see another party all weekend even though there were multiple SIGs at Snoqualmie Pass, there were ample black runs we could practice glacier travel, arresting and glissading on.Camped at the top of the Rip Cord Run close to the Triple 60 Ski Lift and after a 4am wakeup to get going in the dark, summited at the top of the Central Express Ski Lift (3865 feet!).

Overall a successful trip and a great place for snow practice with basic students.