Trip Report
Sea Kayak - Steilacoom to Sequalitchew Creek
Shoreline paddle from Sunnyside Beach to Sequalitchew Creek near Dupont, WA
- Sat, Jul 23, 2016
- Sea Kayak - Steilacoom to Sequalitchew Creek
- Steilacoom to Sequalitchew Creek
- Sea Kayaking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
The only place along the route where caution is advised is in the vicinity of the Steilacoom-Andersen Island ferry terminal. Paddling under the wharf pilings is safe and keeps one away from the ferry landings.
Our group of 4 student paddlers and two leaders enjoyed a beautiful paddle in great weather conditions along the shore line from Sunnyside Beach near Steilacoom through Cormorant Passage to the old Dupont wharf at Sequalitchew Creek. Winds were calm and current was negligible. Overcast skies turned to clear blue skies by mid-paddle. Each student performed solo and assisted wet exits and recoveries to standards. NOTE: Parking at Sunnyside Beach Park requires paying a $5 parking cash.