Trip Report
Sea Kayak - Spencer Island
This is a unique riverine tidal estuary with much peace and many birds. Protected water, river current could matter if spring runoff. End summer, no problem with that. Just really different than the usual saltwater Paddle.
- Mon, Aug 22, 2022
- Sea Kayak - Spencer Island
- Snohomish River
- Sea Kayaking
- Successful
- Road suitable for all vehicles
Best to time this at the turn of the tide to flood, and plan to be in the area long enough for the tide to ebb. The tide will overcome the river flow and provide a decent boost in several areas. At low tide there will be a fair number of logs/pilings visible that are awash at higher tide.
Use boat launch ramp in park to launch/recover. Restrooms nearby.
$10 parking fee to City of Everett.
Tons of birds even in off season, and blackberries.
Unable to locate any marina at the north end of Otter Island, although there was some gravel where it might once have been.
Unconventional stopping locations--on very firm mud shelves that are awash at mid tide and dry a lower tide. Be creative; its a bit of an expedition.