Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Skagit & Hope Islands

Great trip! Good group. Good leader. Good planning. Good weather and water. Can't ask for anything more!

  • Road suitable for all vehicles
  • Water was calm, even glassy much of the day.  Currents were as predicted.  

The weather gods were on our side today and the trip leader did his usual expert planning for timing the trip.  Overcast skies but minimal to no wind and no rain.  See route information from my Garmin below:Track from Garmin 5-6-23.pngRode a manageable flood from Cornet Bay(~2kts at Yokeko Point) out to Kiket and Skagit.  Stopped at Skagit for a lunch break and to let the currents move through the cycle.  Stopped at Hope on north side to practice rescues.  Continued around south side of Hope and arrived at pass between Ala Spit and Hope right at slack.  Paddled back around Hoypus Point and rode the mild building ebb back to launch site.