Placeholder Routes & Places

Trip Report    

Sea Kayak - Skagit

Great trip, great group, sunny skies, calm winds and waters! Lots of bird sightings. We saw a couple of Banded Kingfishers in the trees along the shore of Hoypus Point, several Rhinoceros Auklets on the water between Skagit and Hope Islands, some cormorants on the Washington Fish and Wildlife buoy just south of Skagit Island, and a large flock of Oyster Catchers on the rocks off the southeast end of Hope Island. Not a single starfish along the rocky island shorelines. The water was clear and the bull kelp patches looked pretty healthy in the places along the shorelines where the current runs strong. We didn't see any rafts or romps of otters. Or seals of any kind.

  • Road suitable for all vehicles